Modern database administrators have many responsibilities, including perhaps their most important responsibility of performance tuning. Performance tuning takes many forms. It might include tuning server settings, improving database designs, or even extensively tuning queries and query code. This becomes even more important when database workloads moved to the cloud because poor performance increases consumption of resources like CPU, memory, and IOPS.
In this session we will teach you how to conduct a database design review that yields improved storage behavior, consistent table designs, good data types choices, best practices for keys and constraints, and strong indexing. The design review is scripted and does not require that the developers explain their code to you. Instead, you can run a set of scripts on a database that is actively testing workloads to see if any anti-patterns are in play. We will also show examples of anti-patterns that are the direct result of poor database design choices.
Join us to learn this tips and techniques that improve not only your personal skillset, but also have the potential to vastly improve your SQL Server and Azure SQL database performance.
Prerequisites: Basic proficiency with core SQL statements, like CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
Kevin Kline, Author of O’Reilly’s “SQL in a Nutshell”
Kevin Kline is a noted database expert and software industry veteran. A long-time Microsoft Data Platform MVP and noted community leader in the IT industry, Kevin is a founder and former president of the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS.ORG), as well as the author of popular IT books like “SQL in a Nutshell”. Kevin is a top-rated speaker at industry trade shows worldwide and has a monthly column at Database Trends magazine. He tweets at @kekline and blogs regularly. Kevin is Head Geek at SolarWinds, a leading vendor of database and infrastructure management tools.