
Updates about 2016 directly from Microsoft The Microsoft SQL Tiger Team consist of Program Managers and Engineers tasked with explaining concepts about current and new products to the public. Here is a chance to ask lots of questions. This session will showcase several improvements in the Database Engine for SQL Server (2012 through 2016) that address some of the most common customer pain points involving tempdb, partitioning, alter column as well as diagnostics improvements involving CHECKDB, backup/restore. Come see this demo filled session to understand these changes in performance and scale of the database engine, new and improved diagnostics for faster troubleshooting and mitigation. Learn how you can use these features to entice your customers to upgrade and run SQL Server workloads with screaming performance.


Ajay Jagannathan, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Microsoft

Ajay is part of the Microsoft SQL Server Tiger Team. The Tiger team within the Data Group is focused on delighting in-market SQL Server customers by establishing proactive channels of communication with the customer to help gather feedback on feature usage, scenarios and gaps that we can address while delivering predictable, high quality and timely servicing updates for SQL Server.
