
An Azure Data Studio recent release introduced SQL Notebooks as a capability. While you might have read about notebooks being used for Data Science, this session is for DBAs. You will see how you can use SQL Notebooks to simplify your work. You will learn about SQL Notebooks from installing them in Azure Data Studio to creating a Notebook for Glenn Berry’s Diagnostic queries as well as numerous use cases for you to use in your daily workload


Rob Sewell, Consultant Sewells Consulting

Rob was once a production SQL Server DBA, but is now generally found automating the Data Platform and providing training for clients. He has a passion for PowerShell, Data, and DevOps. He is an MVP, an officer for the DevOps PowerShell VG, and has spoken and volunteered at many PowerShell and Data events. He is a member of the committee that organises Data In Devon and the European PowerShell Conference. He is a proud supporter of the Data and PowerShell communities. He relishes sharing and learning and can be found doing both via Twitter @sqldbawithbeard and his blog He spends most of his time looking at a screen and loves to solve problems.


SQL Notebooks in Azure Data Studio for the DBA